Learn While You Earn
Specialized CO-OP (GLN4O1V / CO-OP)
Did you leave high school just before earning all the credits you needed for graduation?
Students will complete GLN401V (Navigating the Workplace) first, then they can begin a one or two-credit co-op.
GLN401V - Navigating the Workplace- This course provides students with opportunities to develop the essential skills and work habits required for success in all types of workplaces. Students will explore occupations and careers of interest through participation in real workplace experiences.They will make plans for continued learning and work, work with others to design learning experiences, and investigate the resources and support required to make a smooth transition to their postsecondary destination.
Please note that all three credits must be completed before June 30, 2023. Co-op does not run through the summer months.
Co-op & Navigate the Workplace is restricted to adult learners living in the Quinte region who are already currently employed.